A turnstile is a type of mechanical gate that allows one person to pass through at a time. You’ve probably seen turnstiles in many different places, including train stations, amusement parks, shops and offices. Security is important for any business, but if you have sensitive information or expensive items to protect, it becomes even more vital.
Security turnstiles are a highly effective way of controlling access to your business and they provide many further benefits. If you’re looking to increase your security and more, see below for just three benefits of security turnstiles for your business.
Controlled access
Security turnstiles can be programmed to control who is able to enter a building and when. This gives business owners exceptional access control at entrances and other areas of the premises. You could add turnstiles at the entrance to certain floors so only those with authorised access can enter, or programme them so nobody can access the building after hours.
Security turnstiles also allow you to monitor who is coming and going. Employees or visitors will need to scan an access card to pass through the turnstile and this data can be easily linked to your wider access control system.
Increased security
It’s important to know who’s coming in and out of your building, especially if you have expensive equipment or confidential information on the premises. Turnstiles are a highly efficient security measure, especially when combined with a wider access control system. They only allow access for authorised staff or visitors and they also act as a visual deterrent for anyone attempting to break into your business.
Regulated flow of people
We’re all familiar with the concept of social distancing by now and some of these measures might be in place for many years. Turnstiles help to avoid dense crowds by regulating the flow of people in and out of a building. They’re also highly efficient; there’s no need to manually check everyone’s I.D or security pass, they can simply scan it through the turnstile and gain access.
If you’d like to add security turnstiles to your commercial building in the south east, get in touch with the team at Shuretech. We’re proud to offer high quality access control turnstiles for customers throughout Berkshire, London and the south east, with a range of options to suit you. To discuss your security requirements or find out more about our turnstile options, give us a call today or contact us online.