Turnstiles are often used in large businesses to slow people down and ensure everyone enters at an orderly pace. There are a number of reasons to install
turnstiles in your business, so if you’ve been considering it, here are a few of Shuretech’s reasons to go ahead.
Better Security
Turnstiles allow you to check who is coming through the door. The turnstiles can either be set to allow anyone in, but slow them down, or it can be made to use
with a key card or other type of reading device.
While doors are useful for security, once the door is open, more than one person can get through. In the case of turnstiles, you have the ability to prevent more
than one person from moving through. It also prevents someone from leaving at the same time.
Include Your Preferred Access Control
You may already have your own access control system set up, such as cameras and doors. This will allow you to integrate the turnstiles into your existing system
and you should be able to manage all your access control through one system. This makes it easy to identify if there are any new faces coming through the
security checkpoint.
Depending on the type of access control you use, it is possible to manage who can come through the turnstiles. Anyone with expired credentials will be turned
back, while anyone with valid credentials will move through. The system can be set up to track visitors and manage security threats, as well as tracking who
comes and goes and when they do so. All this information is quite useful for keeping track of employees.
Functionality and Flexibility
Not only can turnstiles be used for assorted entry methods, they’re also useful for reducing how many guards you need in the area. There is no need to have a
person for security and credential checks.
The turnstiles may run in one direction or they can work in both directions. They’re also set up to stop the person trying to pass if they don’t have credentials.
In addition, you may set them up so anyone can leave without using a card. The flexibility of all this means you can set it exactly as you need for your level of
security access.
The installation of turnstiles will allow you to streamline the function and access to your building. It’s a simple adjustment that can make a big difference in how
safe the space is.
Need to have turnstiles installed? Contact Shuretech today to schedule your consultation.