If you have a business with a reception area, this can be utilised to make sure only the people you want to get in. To protect your employees, stock and restricted areas you should carefully monitor who enters and exits your building, and the reception area is the key place to do this.
However, if you have a busy business, it can sometimes be hard for receptionists to keep track of the comings and goings, so it is best to install solutions that can help you monitor this.
Read on to discover some tips on how to regulate visitors at your business’ reception.
Sign In & Out
A simple and effective way of managing visitors to your business is by making all guests sign in and out. Clearly signpost that guests must sign in and out upon arrival, maybe providing them with visitor passes that they must wear while they are on the premises which clearly marks them as visitors. Having clear identification will ensure that they only access areas they are meant to.
Turnstile Gates
Another great method of controlling access to your business in the reception area is to utilise a turnstile gate. With this solution, you can control exactly who is getting in and out of the building, and a receptionist can easily monitor it.
You can set the gates to be locked, and only when presented with a pass or given access will they open. This will allow all employees to enter quickly and easily using passes but means that visitors will have to go up to the reception desk to request access. This way the receptionist will be able to assess whether they should be given entry and keep track of who is going in and out more easily.
Security Installation Solutions From Shuretech
If you want to regulate the visitors at your business’ reception, whether this is to prevent unauthorised access or keep track of your visitors, trust Shuretech. We are experts in providing security solutions to customers in Reading and the surrounding areas.
This includes access solutions for reception areas, such as turnstiles and speed lanes that will make sure only the people you want to get in. These solutions can be operated using a pass to let in employees and authorised guests, or a receptionist can let people through the turnstiles after signing in and being approved for entry.
We stock a great selection of security solutions, and if you have any questions about any of our services, feel free to get in touch with Shuretech today.