Being robbed is a stress that all business owners fear. If you offer a store filled with products, chances are someone will want to steal instead of paying. Sometimes it may seem like it’s inevitable that you’re robbed, but there are precautions that you can take to reduce the risk of getting robbed.
So read on for some robbery prevention tips that will help reduce the risk of getting robbed for your business today.
Security Guard & CCTV
It might seem like an obvious solution, but a robber is less likely to attempt something if your store has a security guard. Position them near the door or patrol around, so that all customers clearly see you have security who is there to prevent any robberies. CCTV is also a great incentive to prevent robbers. If you have cameras clearly on display or a sign announcing the store has CCTV, a thief is less likely to attempt something as they’ll be afraid of their face showing up on the footage. Even the threat of CCTV can sometimes be enough to deter a robber.
Cash Handling
Be discreet when counting your cash, as a potential robber could be watching to see how much cash is left in your tills. Do all your cash handling in the back of the store, to ensure nobody sees it. If you deposit your money in a bank at the end of the day or week, make sure you do this discreetly. Don’t carry a clear bag full of cash while in your work uniform. Hide it in a backpack and wear normal clothes.
Opening & Closing
Opening and closing are very common times for thieves to try their luck, so an employee should never be left to do these alone. When closing, ensure you do a thorough inspection of the whole store, including toilets and back rooms. Some robbers will try to hide in the store until closing and then steal from you. The keys to all doors in the stores should be kept secure, preferably in a safe with only the manager and employees in key positions knowing the code.
Security Shutters & Grilles
Sometimes it’s hard to prevent robberies when you’re not at the store, such as on bank holidays or after hours when it is closed. By installing security shutters or grilles to your shopfront, you are automatically reducing the possibility of being robbed by a significant amount. A thief will take one look at the secure entrance and know they have no chance of getting inside.
To install security shutters or grilles, get in touch with Shuretech today. We offer fully compliant installation throughout the South East, with a range of products to fit your specific property needs. We have over 25 years of experience in designing and installing security systems, so by using our services, you can rest assured your premises will be safe and secure from any robbery.
Give us a call on 01344 307 350 to discuss your requirements with us and start the process of getting your security shutters or security grilles installed. Or visit our website now to browse our full range of security systems, from commercial gates to CCTV installation.